During the wall market segment of the original game she wears a red spaghetti strapped formal gown with frill designs and red heels. Fanon wiki ideas so far aerith vs peach aerith vs supernova.

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Aerith height weight. Her height is actually 53ft or 5ft4in. At least by european standads even male characters are below average height and aerith is really tiny with her. Aerith uses staves and operates like a white mage. Unknown i think they believe i have what it takes to be in soldier. Aerith or aeris from final fantasy gaining weight this time in remastered hd uploaded on this account just to be safe i do not own the pictures. Zack asking aerith out on a date as repayment for waking him up.
Due to poor conversions from centimeters to feet in english materials aeriths height has been listed as 53. Earisu geinzubūru transliterated as aeris gainsborough in the english releases of final fantasy vii and final fantasy tacticsis a player character in squares now square enix role playing video game final fantasy viishe was designed by tetsuya nomura with influence from yoshinori kitase hironobu sakaguchi. Sephiroth is the main antagonist of the jrpgfinal fantasy vii. February 7 1985 aerith gainsborough was born on february 7 1985 and is 22 years old. After birth he was taken in and trained by the shinra electric power company to become a super soldier and he eventually. He is nicknamed the one winged angel.
Her height is actually 53ft or 5ft4in. As a child aerith was reluctant to accept her cetra heritage and in final fantasy vii she admits to cloud she considers herself lonely as she is the only remaining cetra. Aerith gainsborough also known as aeris the flower girl is one of the protagonists of the video game final fantasy vii. During pregnancy sephiroths mother has been injected with cells from an alien being known as jenova this caused jenovas cells to merge with sephiroths unborn body. Aerith and tifa often spend time together when the party splits up and are good friends though aerith expresses slight jealously when she discovers how close tifa is to cloud. She can cast defensive spells ally buffs and major healing magic.
She is 53 or 163 cm. Sephiroths height was given in english materials as 61 but its unknown if that was official confirmation by square or added by another source in translation as to be honest almost all of the character heights were mistranslated for the original game manual from conversion from metric. Aerith 163cm approx 54. 10 aerith gainsborough age. Actually almost a everyone in your party was rather short except for barret maybe. Aerith gainsborough.
Zack falls through the roof of the sector 5 slums church where he meets aerith gainsborough whom he offers to pay back her help with a datezack is impressed with the flowers that grow in the church as flowers are a luxury item in the usually barren midgar and suggests aerith sell them.
Gallery of Aerith Height Weight