How much should i weigh for my height and age. To know your bmi level note down your your height in inches and weight in pounds.

Age Height And Weight According To Gender And Age Group
How to know weight according to height. For women start with 100 pounds and then add 5 pounds for every inch of height above 5 feet. A bmi of 25 to 299 is in the overweight category and over 30 is considered obese. Body frame size is another factor that can have a significant impact on the measurement of ideal weight. A male at a similar height to a female should weigh about 10 20 heavier. These measurements can be taken in a healthcare providers office or at home using a tape measure and scale. The equation for adults is your weight in pounds divided by your height in inches squared and then multiplied by 703.
Our free calculator utilizes the scientifically approved formula m l² focusing on your height as well as age and gender to appropriately place you within our ideal weight chart. A persons waist to hip ratio whr can give an idea about whether they have more. Best reference chart is here. Knowing the proper weight according to your height is essential since it will help you better supervise your body condition. Bmi takes into account both height and weight but not body composition. However the bmi formula has been adapted for height measured in inches and weight measured in pounds.
Scan across the row to find your weight pounds. It is most accurate to measure height in meters and weight in kilograms. The best way to determine this is through a bmi or body mass index calculation. Bmi weight x 703. Scan upward to the top of the column to find the corresponding bmi number for that height and. No matter which gender you are people always pay attention to their weight for many reasons especially for women.
The taller the person the more muscle mass and body fat they have which results in more weight. Height and weight must be measured to calculate bmi. Find your height inches in the left hand column. Well there is no definite answer for it since many factors like age bone density height and so on will affect it greatly. To estimate the right weight based on the height a person should know the ideal body mass index. Also known as bmi this value is calculated based on the height and weight of an individual.
Body mass index bmi.