Charts for the early years for boys and girls from 0 to 4 years as well as babies who need close monitoring and including the charts used in the parent child health record for new parents. Please contact growthcharts at rcpchacuk for any further information.

Paediatric Growth Chart Interpretation Amp Documentation Osce
Rcpch height and weight chart. Please contact growthcharts at rcpchacuk for any further information. They include updates to illustrations and intructions on the interpretation of head circumference. The shaded area on the height chart between 9 and 14 years pub er ta ls m nw iq d c. Our charts allow health professionals to plot and measure your childs height and weight from birth to young adulthood. It includes guidance on the onset and progression of puberty a bmi centile lookup an adult height predictor and a mid parental height comparator. There is also a bmi centile look up on the standard 2 18 chart for less complex cases.
Presentation on wwwgrowthchartsrcpchacuk this chart is mainly intended to assess the growth of school. The chart section below indicates correct plotting using age and weight. The chart includes a bmi centile lookup and an adult height predictor. This chart is mainly intended to assess the growth of school age children and young people in primary or secondary care. Over 2 years measure height using a rigid upright measure with a t piece or a stadiometer plotting measurements on the chart basic plotting whatever measurement is being plotted an accurate calculation of age is needed. These are the 2nd edition january 2013.
It is important also to plot the height and weight separately on the main 2 18 chart. Weight lengthheight location h ealthwo rk nm measurement 1 measurement 2 recording date weight l en g thhi.