Not only does xerxes appear much taller than leonidas he appears physically larger than him in all aspects. This biography profiles his childhood family personal life life history achievements campaigns administration death and other facts.

Xerxes height weight. No one wrote down exactly how tall he was. At the time there was no standard system of measurement like there is today. Out of universe both actors are similar in height and weight. Also subscribe us to get more latest updates on celebrities. Xerxes i of persia reigned until 465 bc. Also see some pics on the official account of xerxes diniar irani instagram account.
To look the part though santoro had to. Actor rodrigo santoro is only 62. Historical records say that he was. So i hope you like the information about xerxes diniar irani. The hands of xerxes appear to be very large in comparison to the shoulders of leonidas. Xerxes the king of persia is portrayed as seven feet tall.
Xerxes i xerxes the great was the fourth and the most famous king of the archaemenid dynasty of persia. Xerxes was chosen over his older brother artabazanes as heir apparent writes persia scholar jean louis huotin 486 when darius died xerxes was about 35 years old. Not too shabby but the other 10 inches are special effects. Xerxes diniar irani roadies real heroes biography wiki age height spouse career education affairs. His ultimate defeat spelled the beginning of the decline of the achaemenian empire. Gerard butler is fairly tall and actually gained weight for his role as leonidas.
Xerxes i persian king 486465 bce the son and successor of darius i. Xerxes known as khshayarsha in old persian was born around 520 bc the son of darius i king of the persian empire and queen atossa daughter of cyrus. He is best known for his massive invasion of greece from across the hellespont 480 bce a campaign marked by the battles of thermopylae salamis and plataea. Xerxes 518 bceaugust 465 bce was a king of the achaemenid dynasty during the mediterranean late bronze age. His rule came at the height of the persian empire and he is well documented by the greeks who described him as a passionate cruel self indulgent womanizerbut much of that may well have been slander.